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GF 677 (P.pescica x P.amygdalus)

Hybrid of P. persica and P. amygdalus selected by INRA, Grande Ferrede, Bordeaux (France). Excellent performance in the nursery for spring, summer and autumn bud grafting and micrografting. Rootstock for peach, plum and almond varieties. vigorous, resistant to calcareous soils (more than 11% active lime) and drought conditions. Sensitive to waterlogging (but less so than peach seedlings). Suitable for poor soils and tolerant to replant diseases. Fairly resistant to Fusicoccum and Coryneum, medium sensitive to Verticilium and Phytophtora cactorum, very susceptible to Stereum purpureum, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Armillaria mellea and to root-knot nematodes. All varieties show perfect grafting compatibility and high yield efficiency. This is the most commonly used rootstock for peach and nectarine in several European countries. Trees grafted on this rootstock need summer pruning to control shoot growth and to reduce competition between fruits and shoots. It is the standard rootstock for poor, dry and calcareous soils, and for heavy soils if permeable and well-drained.


471 00 Arta – Greece

Phone: +302681051554